Your Business Shouldn’t Look or Act Like Your Competition (And What You Can Do To Make It Different)

David Baer
Small Business Marketing Strategy
5 min readNov 18, 2023


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

There’s a saying that suggest imitation is the sincerest form of familiarity.

But I’d like to suggest that imitation can also be a trap… especially for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

I’ll explain more in a moment, but first…

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Now, one with the story…

Just last week, I was at a semi-monthly meeting of business owners here in Portland, Oregon.

In one conversation after another, I noticed a common thread: a sense of obligation to do things just like everyone else.

They spoke of the tools they ‘needed’ to have, the strategies they ‘should’ be implementing, and the trends they ‘must’ follow.

It struck me — how many of us start our entrepreneurial journey seeking independence and freedom by doing our own thing… but end up shackled by these perceived necessities.

Breaking Free from the ‘Must-Haves’

When I started my first business, I was no different.

I had a list of all the things a ‘successful’ business owner should have: the latest technology, a consistent and “impressive” online presence, a strategy for every conceivable scenario.

But here’s the twist — it was only when I stopped trying to be like everyone else that my business truly began to thrive.

Consider the story of Emily — a small town bookstore owner I met a few months back at a networking event.

She had worried about competing with big online retailers.

So eventually she decided to take a different route.

Instead of fighting on their turf, she focused on what her store could offer that no algorithm could — a personal touch.

That’s when she started ‘Blind Date with a Book,’ where customers would buy a book wrapped in plain paper with just a handwritten note hinting at the story inside.

It was a hit!

Because it wasn’t just about selling books… it was about creating experiences, something her customers couldn’t find anywhere else.

Embracing the Unconventional

This brings me to an essential point: Your business doesn’t need to be a carbon copy of everything else out there.

In fact, it shouldn’t be.

The real magic happens when you embrace what makes you different.

Take for example, a local potter I met at our farmers market.

His work wasn’t the most polished, but each piece had a story — a thumbprint here, a slight asymmetry there.

In his booth, he shares stories of what what going on when he made each piece — on the news… in his life… etc. — and people connected with the stories… prompting them to take home not just a piece of art, but also a moment in time.

Leveraging the Unconventional with AI

Now, let’s look at how you might use AI to amplify uniquely approaching your business.

Here’s a detailed prompt you can use with ChatGPT, Claude, or whatever AI tool you prefer:

Act as a Seasoned Storytelling and Marketing Specialist: Your task is to delve into the art of narrative creation, focusing on how to weave compelling stories that highlight the distinctive traits of a business. As an expert in this field, you understand the power of storytelling in branding and marketing. Your role involves more than just presenting a product or service; it’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with the audience, emphasizing authenticity, the business’s journey, and the emotional connection it fosters with its customers.

In-Depth Narrative Development for Distinctive Brand Identity: Embark on a journey to develop narratives that not only showcase the unique aspects of a business but also encapsulate the spirit of its founders and the experiences of its customers. These stories should be more than just engaging; they need to be relatable, filled with genuine character, and reflective of the business’s ethos. Consider the following key elements:

1. Discovering the Unique: Begin by inquiring about the specific characteristics that set the business apart. Ask questions about the origin story of the business, the founder’s vision, and the unique challenges they faced. Understand how these elements can be woven into a narrative that celebrates uniqueness.

2. Emphasizing Authenticity: Focus on how the business stays true to its core values and the authenticity of its offerings. Discuss how this authenticity is communicated through its products or services and the importance of maintaining genuineness in its marketing efforts.

3. Capturing the Customer’s Journey: Explore how the business impacts its customers. Ask for stories or testimonials that highlight the customer’s experience, focusing on the emotional journey they undergo from the first interaction to post-purchase.

4. Infusing Personality and Character: Delve into how the personality of the business owner and the team influences the business. Ask about their passions, interests, and how these are reflected in the business operations and customer interactions.

5. Creating a Narrative Strategy: Based on the information gathered, craft a narrative strategy that aligns with the business’s marketing goals. This strategy should include specific storytelling techniques, the choice of media (such as social media, blogs, video content), and how to effectively distribute these stories to reach the intended audience.

Your guidance as an expert will help in crafting narratives that are not just stories but powerful tools for building a unique brand identity. Offer insights on how these stories can be effectively shared through different marketing channels to maximize impact and engagement. Provide examples of successful brand stories for inspiration and learning.

Begin your consultation by asking me about the unique aspects of my business, the story behind its inception, or a specific challenge I face in the market.

The Power of Authenticity

The lesson here is simple… while everyone else is trying to outdo each other with perfection, you can use authenticity as your ace card.

So take a step back and look at your business.

Are you following the herd, or are you carving your own path?

Remember, the beauty of entrepreneurship lies in the freedom to be yourself, to do things your way.

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David Baer
Small Business Marketing Strategy

Longtime marketer writing and thinking about strategic and systematic small business marketing + artificial intelligence