Why Most Marketing Strategies Fail to Deliver — And How to Fix Yours

David Baer
2 min readOct 7, 2024


If you’re like most business owners, you’ve likely had that frustrating moment where you wonder, “Where did my marketing dollars go?” You’re not alone.

John Wanamaker, the famed retailer, nailed it when he said, “Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Funny how things haven’t changed much since then.

So why is it that marketing often feels like throwing darts at a board, blindfolded?

After working with hundreds of business owners, the same three marketing roadblocks keep showing up:

  1. Siloed Marketing Solutions: Each marketing channel — whether it’s social media, print, email, or whatever’s trending this week — sells you on its own value. But without an overarching strategy to tie them together, it’s a recipe for wasted effort. Think of it like trying to bake a cake by mixing the frosting before you’ve made the batter.
  2. Too Many Choices, Not Enough Clarity: Today’s marketing world is like a buffet gone wrong. You’ve got an overwhelming spread of options — from TikTok ads to podcast sponsorships — and no one’s giving you a clear game plan on how they all work together.
  3. The Expertise Gap: Let’s be honest. You’re an expert at what your business does. Marketing? It’s probably taken a backseat, and when you do dive in, it’s reactive. You’re putting out fires, not setting a direction.

Now, here’s the good news…

There’s a group of smart business owners out there who’ve cracked the code. They’ve adopted a comprehensive approach — something that actually ties all those marketing channels together into a unified, powerful system.

These folks aren’t stuck in the silo-trap or overwhelmed by options. They’ve taken a step back, rethought their strategy, and as a result, are seeing consistent, predictable growth.

A Proven Path to Marketing Success

Enter the Prepared Marketing System — our time-tested approach that gives you a roadmap for attracting, converting, and keeping clients. No more guessing which ad campaign is working. No more splashing money across channels hoping something sticks.

Instead, you’ll get a blueprint that shows you where to invest, how to measure success, and how to turn prospects into loyal clients.

Curious About How It Works? Learn More About the Revenue Breakthrough Assessment

It’s time to stop flying blind with your marketing and start using a clear, strategic system.

The Revenue Breakthrough Assessment helps you uncover hidden opportunities, focus your marketing efforts, and set you on the path to reliable revenue growth.

Want to know more?

Learn more about the Revenue Breakthrough Assessment here and take control of your business growth today.



David Baer

Longtime marketer writing and thinking about strategic and systematic small business marketing + artificial intelligence